I know I really shouldn't get into politics here. I won't do it often, because I just won't be so inclined. But one the by-products of illness (see below), is that I am not sleeping. So, a politics post it is.
I bought Barack Obama's book,
The Audacity of Hope, on a recent business trip. I am not done with it, but I really have a hell of a lot of respect for this politician.
Ick. Never thought I would say that.
Honestly though, watch one of the debates for the 2008 race. I double dare you. Either side. You will flip the channel at the end and have absolutely no idea what any of them stand for, who they are, or what kind of President they would be.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Barack could change the system. What he proposes in the book is what America's democracy used to be. A system that works for all Americans regardless of the size of your bank account. He shares some endearing stories about helping the people of Illinois while he was a state lawmaker. He also shares some terribly depressing stories about the failures of the system at the federal level.
I have said for the long time, there are two things that will change the political system for the better. Term limits, and campaign finance reform. The first being the most important. But how can we honestly believe that those that are currently reaping the benefits of the broken system, take those benefits away from themselves?
I don't really know who I will tell Jaime to vote for (I am still a citizen of the UK). Like I say, I like Barack, but I don't believe he can win. Hillary is an incredibly divisive human being. Guliani just stated that water boarding might be a good option (once in a decade). Huckabee as late as 1992 suggested that those infected with HIV be somehow quarantined (he defends it by saying we didn't know much about it then, but the CDC knew it wasn't contagious in the mid-80's). John Edwards is like the glitter of Presidential campaigns, you just can't get rid of him. Ron Paul, now here is a guy that I actually dare say I agree with on a couple of things. His libertarian ideals are interesting, he is just bat-shiat crazy. Romney, Kucinich, Dodd, Richardson, McCain, Thompson. Who cares. All bought and paid for.
Whatever, I think I am pretty representative when I say this. Wake me up when it's over and we have invaded Iran, and gas hits 5 bucks a gallon.