The front yard was lovingly landscaped before we moved in, and although we don't do what is truly necessary to keep it looking its best, we get by.
The backyard when we moved in was mostly just the red dirt/dust that makes Kanab what it is. It wasn't pretty, but it is largely used as a dog waste depository, so no big deal. But this spring, from what I am told, was very wet for Kanab. The result of that has meant our backyard has turned into a weed haven.
Not all bad, some very pretty Indian Paintbrush has come up (nice for a bit of color), but the worst are the scores of foxtail grass bunches. Exhibit A:

These things are all over the house! I mean, ALL OVER. Kona comes inside after doing the aforementioned job, and before you know it, they are in the couch, all over the floor, embedded into the carpet.
We need to get it sorted out soon. In a couple of weeks someone is coming over to build our cattery, so we need to de-crap the backyard.
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