Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Okay, have you seen this trashy reality show? Admit it, you have. It plays on WB sometimes, and I’ve seen it on the dish on “G4” whatever channel that is. It’s this ridiculous reality show where they feature a person who suspects his/her partner is being unfaithful. So they track the suspected cheater raw P.I. style, and film his/her antics, play the video back to the victim, and then there’s usually a great big dramatic confrontation. Great schmut. I sat down after running around doing housework for about an hour tonight and caught the end of this really intense episode. Usually the cheater gets busted going to a bar or on a date with another person, but this was like full on red handed people scrambling to put clothes back on type stuff. So you know what I did…nope, didn’t change the channel as any self respecting human being would…. instead I had to go check the website to see what I had missed earlier in the episode. I couldn't find any info about that particular show, but the website definitely had some interesting content.

So they have all these links and information about infidelity and private investigators, legal representation, etc. And then my personal favorite…. a dating service! No, folks, I am not making it up. See for yourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok...So I don't cheat.

You do know that right?

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