Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Ok, so I have proven this week that in no way am I a web person. BUT, you must please update your bookmarks and links

**Drum Roll Please**


It is still not looking like quite what I want, but it is there, and that's where updates will be taking place from this point forth. I had to kind of take away the rest of the site (well I didn't, but I didn't know what I was doing), but that should be back before too long. It has been a really arduous process to be honest, but hopefully things on the site like design etc. will slowly be rolling out over time!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Web Stuff is Hard

Trying to get a new website sorted out, http://LifeWithTheDunns.com

The goal is to get the blog onto that website with the sub-directory /blog.

It's hard.

I am not a web person.


So the blog for the meantime is going to be ugly and plain till I get it sorted out.

P.S. If anyone knows how to do the wordpress.org thing and get a blog into a subdirectory, I am all ears.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Welcome to the Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, freaky deaky, call it what you want. This is where you exist when within one week a family member unexpectedly loses their long time job, and two others wind up in the hospital for separate, but serious health issues. This is when you head to a different part of the state to tend to family matters, and then fly across the country to tend to others. Here's to hope and faith that all ends in a positive light. Please wish us well on our journey.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Olympics Baby...

Q. Number of times during the next two weeks of Olympic coverage Jon Dunn will say, "Oh, those are women?"

A. 231.

Just said it when the womens road cycling came on. Some tough lookin' broads on those bikes.

I must say, even though I hate a lot of things about China, it's hard not to watch the games. I mean only every four years do I get to see in depth coverage of such popular sports such as Badminton, and Water Polo. By the way, am I the only one that cannot see crap on Water Polo? It's just a bunch of splashes in the pool and then you hear the whistle blow when someone chucks it in the goal.

The other thing that is annoying about some of these sports is the announcers for each. You know, I don't watch a lot of coxed four scull rowing whatever the hell it is. So I know you follow the exciting world of rowing all year, but I, along with the rest of the world does not. An explanation of terms every once in a while might be nice.

In other things I have learned this week? China has a beach volleyball team. And beach volleyball is an Olympic sport, not just a popular BBQ game in the 80's.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

My New Love...

Being a vegetarian for over a year now, really has not been that hard. It honestly gets easier all the time as I can't really remember what most meat tastes like. For example, I used to love deli meat sandwiches. Making the switch to Tofurky or other fake "meat" slices was damn near impossible I thought because it just was not good. But as time passes, it gets better and now I really like the stuff. Crave it even.

The other thing too, is that certain stores say, Trader Joe's has some really creative fake meat products.

Exhibit A

Ohhhhh yes. You read that correctly, Soy Chorizo. Really, really tasty actually especially with cheesy hasbrowns and eggs.

So if you don't think you can kick meat to the curb, give some of these products a try. It's really not that hard at all.

And let's be honest, if I can do it, ANYONE can do it.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Back From Salt Lake.....For Now

A great trip up to Salt Lake this weekend. Friday night at the NMHPU event was great, and we had some good quality time with Jaime's folks.

Seems we will have to head back up to SLC though very soon.

That's right, we are giving the finger to Verizon, and becoming Yuppie Scum (according to Jaime's Dad). Yuppie Scum maybe, but scum on the cutting edge with iPhones :)

So when they arrive at the AT&T store at Fashion Place mall in 10 to 21 days, we have to head back up to port over, kiss Verizon goodbye, and join the iPhone ranks.

Thanks Babe!!

What you"re reading...

We met in 05, married in 07, and now just three months after that wedding we are going through yet another life change. We are both working for the Best Friends Animal Society, and living in Kanab. This is our story.

Check out our Flickr Photostream!

