A. 231.

Just said it when the womens road cycling came on. Some tough lookin' broads on those bikes.
I must say, even though I hate a lot of things about China, it's hard not to watch the games. I mean only every four years do I get to see in depth coverage of such popular sports such as Badminton, and Water Polo. By the way, am I the only one that cannot see crap on Water Polo? It's just a bunch of splashes in the pool and then you hear the whistle blow when someone chucks it in the goal.
The other thing that is annoying about some of these sports is the announcers for each. You know, I don't watch a lot of coxed four scull rowing whatever the hell it is. So I know you follow the exciting world of rowing all year, but I, along with the rest of the world does not. An explanation of terms every once in a while might be nice.
In other things I have learned this week? China has a beach volleyball team. And beach volleyball is an Olympic sport, not just a popular BBQ game in the 80's.

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