Thursday, March 15, 2007

wha, huh?

It's 5:08 a.m. I went to "sleep" at 12:15-ish. This is ridicious. I spent the entire evening working on lists for this and lists for that plus getting the house semi organized so the cleaners can come today. I also spent some time hunting for some important documents that I have somehow hidden from myself in all the chaos. I have looked EVERYWHERE and they are nowhere to be found. I haven't seen them in about 6 weeks so lord knows where they are. Here's a little silent prayer that I can find them....eeegads.

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What you"re reading...

We met in 05, married in 07, and now just three months after that wedding we are going through yet another life change. We are both working for the Best Friends Animal Society, and living in Kanab. This is our story.

Check out our Flickr Photostream!
