I flew Spirit Airlines which is a super cheap-o airline where literally nothing is included. Want a coke? Pay two bucks. Not even a barf bag available should you need one.
Doing the cheap-o airline was good because it saved money but the times of the flights were terrible! I had to fly back late last night not landing in Vegas until midnight. Once I grabbed my bag, made my way to the car it was almost 1am, which is 2am Utah time. Three and a half hours back it was close to 6am by the time I rolled in.
Once I got out of Vegas and the highway was dark it started to get a little scary. I got almost no sleep on the flight back and I could feel myself getting drowsy. Once I hti Mesquite I realized I needed to so something to wake up. I stopped at a gas station and grabbed a mtn. dew. Still feeling tired I thought I would go blow the 20 bucks I had in my wallet (thinking a nasty loud casino might just get me going)

So I ended up at the Virgin River Casino and in front of a Monoply 2 cent machine. Honestly in two minutes I won 200 bucks! Quickly cashed out and made my way home. That's one way to wake up!!
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