Since then I have really enjoyed not eating meat. I feel A LOT healthier, and I think I have lost weight (by doing nothing else except giving up meat). We occasionally eat fish, and to be honest eating out can be hard so sometimes the choices are very limited (for example my family took me to a chicken restaurant called Roasters last week).
Anyway we went off to St. George this weekend to buy supplies for T-giving. Jaime's parents are coming down and Jen and Daron and Jen's parents will also be coming over. We have the tofurkey's and I really am anxious to try it.
One thing I never want to be is preachy. I feel like we all have our own personal convictions in life, and who am I to say what someone should or should not believe in? I mean we should all feel for and advocate for companion animals....who couldn't love a dog? But I suppose there are those people who see turkeys as just dumb animals who don't feel like other animals. That's fine but I would have to disagree.

We will be adopting turkey's for our families this year. The Farm Sanctuary provides a great program to care for those birds that have been lucky enough to be rescued from breeding facilities and slaughter houses. You can even choose which bird you would like to adopt.
Oh I should also mention that my father now believes I am a tree hugger.
I guess I am.
1 comment:
luna is adorable!! great post. :)
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