Thursday, October 18, 2007

Gobble Gobble

I felt compelled to write about the turkeys. First off, check out Ted Brewer's article here. These guys are gigantic, and so majestic. There's a flock of them that have been hanging outside my office window for a few weeks now. As Ted's article references, they really do soar down to lower canyon from the ridge up here. I saw it for my own eyes about a month ago. It's quite the spectacle.

And now a word from our sponsor. Actually, I won't get on my soapbox about how we really shouldn't be factory farming them for consumption on Thanksgiving. Or how we really shouldn't be factory farming anything but I have been enjoying the company of these guys too much to cause harm to one. So while, at this juncture, I choose not to proselytize about a cruelty free Thanksgiving, I will constructively suggest an alternative. Tofurkey, anyone?


Lizz said...

We have them here too. Arlo can call them, it's a hoot!

Jaime said...

They ARE a hoot! And they're noisy. They make a lot of warbling chatter sounds. Very entertaining.

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