Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What Happens in Vegas...well, who really cares? I'm tired of Vegas!

I am beat and the party hasn’t even begun. Not even close.

First of all, get acquainted with our event this weekend. Yep, that’s right, Super Adoption heads to Vegas. Jon left this afternoon with a truck full of nonsense, and Jen & I will leave Friday morning with a van full of nonsense. The fun begins Friday afternoon when we set up, then continues early Saturday. That is when the fun really begins. For starters, they made yours truly a dog tent captain. Yep, I return to my volunteer roots, which is a double edged sword of sorts. After all of the years of establishing myself as a capable person they decided to put me in charge of something. Sort of.

Frankly I don’t care what I’m doing as long as I’m getting a walkie talkie. Except I found out there are rules against goofing around on the walkies, so we’ll have to devise some code words. Either that or I need to get a life.

Since becoming a vegetarian again, I have given up eating meat, wearing or purchasing things made of leather, and using metaphoric expressions such as the well known but particularly vile “running around like a chicken with its head cut off”. And while I don’t condone using such expressions, or eating chickens for that matter, I will say it does rather aptly describe the state in which I and the fellow staff will likely be by the time Saturday morning hits.

I think I’m getting a cold. Actually, in all seriousness I had a few good sneezes this afternoon and my throat is starting to hurt. Feeling a little feverish, too. Oh, the good news is I completed the Pet First Aid & CPR class this morning. Amid all the chaos, and as I retire to a warm bath, I wonder, where the hell did I put the echinacea?


Lizz said...

Can I use "running around like a chicken"? We use that one at our house and it's fitting. Or how about "my head is going to fly off"? Another fitting one. We don't eat our chickens, they have names. lol

And don't ever invite me to an animal adoption party, that is a bad mix. I'd be likely to take alot of them home.

Now they (lost animals) just show up on my doorstep. How do they know? My kids say we must have a beacon. Toby says our oldest rescued cat tells them all, "this is the place!"

I wonder if in Vegas they all adopt (read buy) purebred high class animals, status you know? All of the animals, dogs, in shelters here are mutts that have accidentally been bred by the neighbor dog, people own pedigree dogs to breed and sell sell sell. Well, guess who adopts the rejects...ME!

Our dog Daisy is a Dachshund and Stafordshire Bull Terrier mix-crazy weird!! She's a sweetie.

Way to go! I'll stop my ranting now.


Lizz said...

I just read on your site, the links about puppy mills. That is what I'm talking about. It's really rampant here in Oregon. I just makes me sick and then angry! Are people really that dense? I find it hard to believe that any human could be that cruel.

OK, now I'll really stop ranting.

Our local shelters (with public pressure) are fighting hard to become "no kill shelters." But alas that is very you know.

Jaime said...

"Running around like a chicken" is perfectly acceptable. "My head is going to fly off" is just funny. I love that your chickens have names. :-)

To answer your question about Vegas, and the purebred animals, I don't really know. It's an interesting mix. They actually have a lot of pet stores where you can still buy dogs and cats. It's really strange coming from a place like Salt Lake where this is a very rare thing. Salt Lake is very archaic in a lot of ways but not in the animal welfare sense! The programs there are very well developed and advanced. The shelter and rescue adoption rates are very high, as well as the spay and neuter rates, and therefore the euthanasia rates are lower. All of these elements are so important, and very interdependent on each other in order to lower the rates of animals dying in shelters.

Additionally, the shelter mutts you're referring to are so common everywhere, but in Vegas and most places, including (Salt Lake) there are a large percentage of purebreds that are purchased by irresponsible people and they wind up homeless or in shelters because the people move or get divorced, or just don't want them anymore. Disposable society. Very sad.

The puppy mills are another story all together. Many groups are attempting breeder regulations in order to make this type of cruelty a crime but there is a long, long way to go in most places.

And the bottom line with the wayward animals? They can just tell which ones of us are suckers. That and they are indeed probably telling their friends where it's at. I can't remember the last time I paid money for a cat or dog. These creatures just seem to find me!

What you"re reading...

We met in 05, married in 07, and now just three months after that wedding we are going through yet another life change. We are both working for the Best Friends Animal Society, and living in Kanab. This is our story.

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