Monday, October 08, 2007

I work out?

Apparently I work out. I didn't think I did, but what I did tonight certainly FELT like working out. I certainly hurt like I might have raised the ol' heartbeat to working out levels (although for me that means walking ten feet).

I was once in the Army. The US Army. I actually became quite healthy at a lifetime low of about 160 pounds (I say lifetime, I mean I used to weigh 160 but it was the fourth grade). I ran everyday. During my time in Korea six miles a morning was not unusual at all, and we occasionally went out for a ten mile plus.
So as you can imagine as soon as I didn't HAVE to do it, I didn't. Relaxing and sleeping in once I was no longer a soldier seemed right. Like being a completely inactive human was my duty at that time.

Then the weight gain took hold, and I have no idea anymore, but i'll bet I easily clock in at about 230.

But anyway I did play racquetball tonight. Daron and I went down to the local fitness center, which for a small town like this is pretty damn nice. I had to take an aspirin halfway through the first game because I am pretty sure I was in the midst of a myocardial infarction. I got sweaty and actually looked like some sort of jock. I mean a fat jock, but a jock all the same.

I can't say it feels good, I mean I hurt like hell. But I can say there is no reason why I shouldn't do something every now and again. Might even lose some weight.

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