Saturday, March 15, 2008

Oh Baby!

Just winding down from a long day of festivities. The baby shower was a smashing success and I am pretty sure the mama-to-be enjoyed herself, so my mission is complete. Unfortunately, our camera croaked in the middle of the party, so I will have to get some photos from Jen, Pam, or Laura to post for everyone. But we had a good crowd, and even the boys came for the beginning to share in the fun before heading off to the Buckskin for beers and debauchery. The party is continuing over at the poker game tonight, but I am pretty beat so I am sitting this one out, even though I heart the Crooks and all the poker peeps. Our friends here in Kanab are so great – we are really lucky.

The fitness program is still underway, although I took two days off this week. I was pretty tired, so I didn’t go to the gym Tues or Wed. I was tired like exhausted, not just the regular ‘I’m tired and don’t want to go to the gym’ , so I took a few days off.

Last night Jon and I stayed home and got the house cleaned up and made brownies for the baby shower. The brownies were featured on the cover of the most recent issue of Cooking Light Magazine. We bought Jen & Daron a subscription for Christmas, so they get the magazine too and Jen commented on how yummy they looked so Jon wanted to make them for the guest of honor. They turned out quite nicely.
Here is the recipe if you care to indulge…

That’s it for now. I really enjoyed the soiree but am looking forward to a relaxing “do nothing’ day tomorrow. The animals agree with me – I am already surrounded by two crashed out dogs and a cat.

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We met in 05, married in 07, and now just three months after that wedding we are going through yet another life change. We are both working for the Best Friends Animal Society, and living in Kanab. This is our story.

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