Thursday, March 20, 2008

Vegas, Baby

So I generally despise Vegas. In fact, there are usually a million other places I would rather be than the wholly manufactured "city." All that even in the face of my love of gambling. But this weekend, I think Vegas will be fun.

It seems like only yesterday, but as of Monday, Jaime and I will have been officially married for a year. I know, right! Can't even believe how fast the last year has gone. I imagine moving and starting new careers had something to do with that.

So her Mom is in Vegas as we speak for one of her several jaunts for the year. When we found out she was going, we figured it might be fun to go see her. Then on top of that we realized it would be our anniversary weekend. Even the more reason to go.

I secured a reservation for Saturday night at the restaurant at the top of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris Hotel. Pricey, but hey, you only have one first wedding anniversary.

1 comment:

Woz said...

awwww, that's great! happy anniversary!

What you"re reading...

We met in 05, married in 07, and now just three months after that wedding we are going through yet another life change. We are both working for the Best Friends Animal Society, and living in Kanab. This is our story.

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