Ok, well I guess I said in the last post that we had blogged about Willie before. Jaime informs me that I was wrong (something she does A LOT).
So anyway, from the beginning. I was assigned to run the campaign for the piece of legislation we are hoping to get passed in Georgia. We don't do a lot of legislation at Best Friends (there are others doing it, and doing it well), but this is something that is important to an Attorney that works for us, so here we are. I am actually really glad to be doing it. Even though it has been a long time since Georgia was my home, I still feel pretty connected to the place. So to be able to work on things in Georgia that I am passionate about is like double the fun.
SO.....we get the campaign going, figuring things out, and before we know it one of the founders of Best Friends says he thinks he can get Willie to help us out. Francis has spent a good part of the lsat few years focused on the Los Angeles programs we have, including hob nobbing with the rich and famous at our annual Lint Roller Party. So no surprise he knows a guy like that. Different skills I guess (I mean, I got married at the Governor's Mansion, but I don't know Willie).
The deal was set that we (the video folks and I) would meet Willie before his show at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, pop onto the bus, and have him record several public service announcements.
Luckily we arranged that Jaime could also come, and my boss and her husband came along. What we wanted I think was that we could all squeeze onto the bus, but the thing, although nice, was just a luxury coach. Not the biggest of aisles etc.
Here is my wonderful wife in front of his airbrushed custom tour bus....
Please note (if you can see it), the horse art on the side of the bus. Willie has fought for the horses for a long time.So the actual shoot was really hurried. We had enough time because Willie nailed each take, but there was not a lot of time for chit chat. You know, I think everyone would have their idea of what it would be like to sit down and
just chat with him if you know what I mean. Alas, we did not get that, but before we knew it, it was time for him to go on!
We to be honest did not have enough fancy armbands for everyone, so we were unsure of exactly how it would go. Actually we thought that ony some of us would get in! But again, before we knew it, one of his security guys said, "if you're gonna watch the show from backstage you gotta go now." So we all follow and get put just to the right of willie, right off the stage!
Sorry about these photos, they really are bad. Our camera was not so good considering the guy was like 10 feet away....
At points during the show he would tie on one of his many bandanas, wear it for a song, and then throw it into the crowd.
I mean the guy played for like two hours straight. For sure Jaime and felt like true VIP's!
Also, we didn't realize this at the time, but we were also backstage with a personal friend of Willie's who is also a legend.
Don't know if you can see the sliver of face off to the left, but that is Don Cherry. He was a 50's crooner who was most famous for his song
Band of Gold. He is also famous for being the only person to have a top ten hit, and finish in the top ten in the US Open of golf in the same year.
So anyway, sorry for the long post, but it really was pretty damn cool!
As I said in the previous post the PSA is now out, and getting media play all over the place.